At the base of Mt Index is Lake Serene, a beautiful lake with waterfalls cascading into it and snow-covered talus with the rising spires of Mt Index. At the outlet of Lake Serene, Bridal Veil Falls is born, falling 1328 ft in 4 big drops.
I didn't go for the waterfalls (so not me!); even though Bridal Veil Falls is one of the best falls in the state, I went for the lake and its peaks and the views from the top at 2,500 feet.
I started my hike at 2 PM (late like usual) after trying to find parking at the full parking lot. It seemed like everyone wanted to try reaching Lake Serene on a sunny Sunday. On top of that the lake has been unreachable except for the crazy few who dared to hike through the steep snowfield above. As I went up I must have passes 3 dozen people on their way down. I also go passed by a few who treated the trail as if it was a workout track. I guess to each it own, but I like to enjoy the scenery and nature. On top of that I wanted to conserve energy being that this was the first serious hike with a strenuous elevation gain since my summit to Teanaway Butte back in March. When I got to the trail junction for Bridal Veil Falls I passed it (me pass up a waterfall!?), my goal was the lake plus it was too bright to take pictures with the sun beating right on the falls. I passed the bridge over Bridal Veil Creek and took a peak at the great falls and decided I would take pictures on the way back along with the falls adjacent to the bridge that people confuse with Bridal Veil Falls. After 1.2 miles the trail started to steepen and up I went in what seems like an endless number of switchbacks and staircases. It felt like it would never end. Finally I saw hope when I saw snow and with that I got a warning from a couple. They told me when I hit the snow to turn back, the snow bridges over the streams were sketchy and scary and when you made it passed that there was a steep snowfield that ended in a cliff that you had to go up. They were disappointed that they were so close, but were too scared. Immediately my heart started racing. I may love flying, but I'm scared of heights.
Well I slowly made it pass those icy slippery snow bridges not looking down and then up that scary snowfield and then there it was! A glimpse of the lake! Within a few hundred feet it went from no snow to me standing on over 10 ft of snow. I walked about a hundred feet and I was standing on the edge of beautiful Lake Serene with the 3 peaks of Mount Index looming over me.
First view of Lake Serene
Walked over to the frozen lake and ate my lunch and saw one of the stupidest things ever. There were a lot of dogs up there, in which the owners smartly put the leash on their dogs, but there were a few without one. In two separate instances a dog went right on to the frozen lake and the moment I saw that I knew that meant trouble! The owners called their dogs to come back and just as they got the the edge of the lake were the ice is the thinnest, the dogs broke through the ice and went into the frozen lake. Lucky the dogs pull themselves out, but they should have never been unleashed. It made me angry. The dogs don't know better, but the owners should!
I must have stayed there at least an hour and a half. I saw people come and go and I just stayed to take it all in. The lake just reminds me of something I would see in a fantasy movie like Lord of the Rings.
Mount Index looming over frozen Lake Serene
Finally it just got to cold from the cool breeze and snow and I had to put on my jacket. Then went off and took more pictures of the scenery
Monte Cristo Mountain range with Sunset Falls at the bottom of the picture
Me in front of Lake Serene
When I left I was the last one out of the the lake and I had barely made it to that scary snowfield and two adults showed up. Then three teens showed up with their dog. It was too scary to scramble down the snowfield so I sat on my butt and sled down the snow. My goodness that was scary. Once you started sliding it was hard to stop. I made it down to the snow trail and slowly made my way to the snow bridges. Once I got passed that I made my way down passing a waterfall that seems to disappear but if you are alert you realize that it is the same waterfall that people get confuse with Bridal Veil Falls near the bridge adjacent to the real Bridal Veil Falls
Upper Falls
Lower Falls
I took pictures of the lower falls free of people and then made my way over to the bridge of the creek and took a peak at the real Bridal Veil Falls.
Lower Bridal Veil Falls
From there I made my way out and encountered two crazy guys who were going on a night hike up to the lake who asked me how was the snow up there. As I made my way out I took a glimpse back and there was Mount Index bathed in the golden orange color from the sunset.
North Peak of Mt. Index Glowing in the Sunset
When I got to my car there were 4 cars left and it was dark. Was I tired, but it was worth it! I will definitely be back!
When it was over I had hiked 7.2 miles and hiked up 2,000 ft to an elevation of 2,500 ft with Mt index looming 2,857 ft over me and a beautiful lake.